data use

Opportunity for Lenders

With interest rates rising steadily since 2022, the outlook for homeowners looking to cash in on their houses has shifted dramatically. Cashout refinances have become more expensive, and many of the largest banks who originated Home Equity Lines of Credit (HELOCs) in the past are no longer doing so.

This represents an opportunity for current HELOC lenders. And the HELOC Borrowers Propensity Scores from SMR Research are the ideal tool to help you to capitalize on this opportunity.

The SMR Research Propensity Model

Thanks to our HELOC Borrowers Propensity Score, SMR Research has identified those homeowners who qualify for, and are likely to seek, a home equity line of credit.

Click Here for a more detailed presentation on how the model is scored, and its proven accuracy based on nearly two decades of scoring experience.

SMR Research invented the scoring method that indicates the likelihood of homeowners to take out a HELOC. We began by providing these scores to Corelogic and First American Financial Corporation; now we offer services to provide them to individual lenders.

Putting the Model to Work for You

We have the names and addresses of over 50 million homeowners who are likely to seek a HELOC. All are owner-occupied and have existing home-secured debt. Our data includes the originators of the original mortgage.

We can compare our model to your existing customers so that you can find which of them would be most likely to say “yes” to an offer of a HELOC. Or we can generate a list of likely borrowers in your state or region – or nationwide. Several major banks and credit unions already use this data in their marketing. Isn’t it time you put our data to work for you?

Click Here to email SMR Research for more information.